A business and layperson’s exploration and adoption of the emerging technologies for the purpose of harnessing their power.

The Next Level 2024 - Begins august 2024!

If you are new to this program acceptance will be by application and interview. Please email elowe@accelerated-outcomes.com to express your interest.

We have designed a unique program that addresses both the Inner World and the Outer world. We will continue to build inner resilience from deep healing and explore the relevant emerging technologies that are directly impacting our communities, our work and the whole of society.

If You’ve Participated In The 2023 Program, we invite you to continue to the journey with us.

German futurist Gerd Leonhard says “the future is created by optimists”. He also says,"the future is better than you think".

We’ve found that our fear of the future has interfered with our ability to engage in the research process. We have also found that some of our rigidly held views about “how life is” have also interfered with research. It has taken several months to prepare ourselves for this work and dwell in a state of deep curiosity. The difficult question is…are you ready to shed your cynicism and be open to finding your own natural curiosity?

If you Were Less Fearful about the future Could your life be enjoyable?

3 Reasons to join the program:

  1. It's an opportunity to develop a much stronger inner resilience that can withstand adversity and grow in the face of life’s downturns.

  2. You will be more in sync with what's really happening in our culture and society as the new Imagination Society 5.0 emerges.

  3. You will gain support and encouragement by being part of a group of like minded people who are engaged in the same exploration.

We begin by broadening our receptivity to the current innovations that are coming from these emerging technologies; AI, IoT, Blockchain, 5G, renewable energy, augmented and virtual reality and more. We will further explore how these innovations create new opportunities for us before they arrive in our everyday life. We want to welcome the coming changes and use them for greater accomplishment of our core commitments in life.

Entering The New World in a nutshell:

This program meets twice a month for an hour and fifteen minutes. Each month we will study a specific area of technological change that is affecting our lives. We will discuss its direct impact on our lives and consider changes we might need to make to accommodate this new technology. Participants will have a research partner for weekly check-in conversations.

Currrent Program - Monday at 7 p - 8:15p (PT) on Zoom

  • February 5, 19

  • March 4, 18

  • April 8, 22

  • May 6, 20

  • June 3, 17


Let’s Talk About This…

If you are retired, not working or in a position of financial hardship we offer a special tuition. We can create a special tuition for you.

Text me at 415.305.7252 or email at eroca@accelerated-outcomes.com.